"The Clyclotron Note Books"
These are the "Cyclotron Note Books" Kept by Phil Gibbs. These notes are now
included in the Internet Science Journal.
The cyclotron note books are a collection of essays about fundamental physics
and metaphysics. The central essay is about the principle of event-symmetric
space-time, a new theory about how to do quantum gravity.
The style is more technical in some parts than in others. Each essay can be
read independently but if you find that one of them has terms which you don't
understand you may find them explained in an earlier one. The later ones may be
too difficult for the layman and even I don't understand the last one.
1. The Quantum Gravity Challenge This first
essay is about the problems facing physicists who are trying to combine the
theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics into one theory of quantum
gravity which might lead ultimately to a complete unified theory of the laws of
2. Is Space-Time Discrete? Here I discuss
some of the motivation and evidence that have led many physicists to believe
that, in some sense, space-time is discrete at very small length scales.
3. Metaphysics of Space-Time Philosophers
and physicists have been at odds about the nature of space-time for most of the
duration of this century. Why? and who is right?
4. What About Causality? To attack the principles of
causality in physics is to attack our right to believe in free will, yet some
physicists are prepared to cast aside causality altogether in order to progress
in their understanding of physics.
5. Universal Symmetry Physicists could never
have progressed as far as they have if it were not for symmetry in the laws of
physics. But the symmetry is often hidden from sight so just how much of it is
there waiting to be revealed?
6. The Superstring Mystery In 1982 the
theory of superstrings suddenly rose to prominence as a possible unified theory
of physics. 14 years on it is still not properly understood but the richness of
the mathematics which it holds within is enough to keep many of the worlds most
proficient theoretical physicists enthralled.
7. Event-Symmetric Space-Time The
principle of event-symmetric space-time is a simple but radical approach to
quantum gravity. Proposed by a physicist working outside the academic
establishment, it has received little support from within. What are the
arguments in it's favour? is it correct? is it useful?
8. Is String Theory in Knots? Twenty years
ago the mathematical theory of knots might have been considered an esoteric
discipline of interest to only pure mathematicians. In the last ten years it has
become the mathematics of quantum gravity. This essay, more mathematical than
others in this collection is an attempt to formulate the equations for an
algebraic theory of gravity.
9. The Theory of Theories If we succeed in
finding a unified theory of the laws of physics what will it tell us? Can we
hope to understand an answer to the ultimate question, why are we here?
10. Small Scale Structure o Time And Space,
Click Here For Download Link To PDF File of Dissertation By Dr. Phil E. Gibbs of
MIT Titled; "The Small Scale Structure of Space-Time: A Bibliographical
Review."(pdf. 406K
11. Click Here To Download :
"The Small Scale Structure of Space-Time, A Biographical Review (pdf406k
12. What's New In Physics?
13. Physics, Questions and Answers.
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