Danny Chesnut does not indorse the use of any
un-prescribed human or veterinary medication, as a treatment to be adopted for human
use or for human consumption. Danny Chesnut does not endorse the intake or use of any
plant, herb, salt, food, solid, liquid, mineral, element, ingredient, or compound as may
be suggested by any of the following articles, including the titles "Biological or Chemical Warfare Illness Treatment & Supplies Info"
and the Title "Medicine List, Human or Veterinary Antibiotics (They are both the
same) By Charles S. Brocato, M.Sc., D.D, Author: Chemical/Biological WarFare ... How You
Can Survive".
Danny Chesnut does not affirm, attest to, nor make
any claim as to the truth or authenticity of educational creditability, or professional
expertise as represented by Title attached to surname denoting Diploma of Accredited
Degrees attained through academic study or otherwise which may be found in any of the
following articles, including the title "Biological or Chemical
Warfare Illness Treatment & Supplies Info", and the Title "Medicine
List, Human or Veterinary Antibiotics (They are both the same) By Charles S. Brocato,
M.Sc., D.D, Author: Chemical/Biological WarFare ... How You Can Survive".
Do not take any medication other
than that which is properly prescribed for you by a FDA Associated State Board
Certified Medical Doctor (Physician).
Biological or
Chemical Warfare Illness Treatment & Supplies Info
Remember ! Biological or Chemical
Attack Can Occur Anywhere In North America, Including The U.S.
Every Citizen of the North American
Continent must know:
The types of biological agents and
their effects.
How biological agents can be
How to use their protective
equipment (gas mask).
How to care for their protective
How to perform first aid.
How to remove biological agents
from themselves and their equipment.
You need to know ways of killing
micro-organisms and decontamining yourself, some are:
Boiling water for 15 minutes or
Proper use of home bleach without
perfume, etc. and water purification tablets.
Using lye soap and/or green soap
for scrubbing..
Sunning your clothes on a line and
why and under what conditions this may not work.
Proper method of cooking and timing
of contaminated foods.
When an attack occurs, the
following rules are most important:
Put on your protective mask
Avoid food and water that may have
been contaminated. This is why you want a home water and food storage program now!
Use soap and water generously.
Sunning your clothes on a line and
why and under what conditions this may not work.
Start on all prescribed
immunizations or prophylactic antibiotics immediately. Some of these biological agents, if
they enter the lungs and start pneumonia, after several weeks, nothing will save you.
But remember, your first line of
defense is knowledge and preparedness. You only have one (1) hour to react, as well as
local authorithies. But, we have been told by the top authorithies it will take at least
10 hours before a decontamination team arrives--and that is after local/Federal
authorities have identified the microbials, which can take from 45 minutes to 3 weeks.
Personal preparedness is your answer.
First On The List is:
Protective Mask. Used to be known
as a Gas Mask. Now you must protect against Biological, Chemical, and Nuclear. For a good
mask, we recommend the Israeli Simplex NBC Gas Mask. They come in adult and children's
sizes. Cost about $15.95. Get at least 1 replacement filter for each member of your
These masks, in the event of war,
are issued to the Israeli citizens. They were used during the Persian Gulf War in 1991.
Without a protective mask, you will inhale dangerous microbials with the resulting
infection that causes morbidity, sickness, and even possibly death....the mask is your
first line of defense. GET THE MASK!
Order From:
NITRO-PAK: 1-800-866-4876 (see our
Survival page for more)
Calf Electrolyte. You can get this
from your Farm & Feed Store. This is a must for the treatment of Cholera! Cholera
dehydrates the body. This oral rehydration formula may well save your life. Anti- biotics
don't do it in this case.
Get Lye Soap and Green Soap. Needed
to wash with to disinfect yourself if you come into contact with deadly microbials. Get
Green Soap at your pharmacy.
Get two bottles of hydrogen
peroxide. For disinfecting and gargling with if around aerosolized micro-organisms. Other
disinfectant uses too.
You will need Chlorine Bleach and
Lysol (concentrate) for disinfecting body abrasions and if anyone infected uses your
toilet, etc.
If you have pets, get two flea
collars per pet and put them on the animal if an attack has been indicated.
You will need the flexible,
surgical type mask worn by physicians, if you choose to attend public gatherings after an
attack has been indicated. Do not get the "Monkey" rigid type face mask. Air
gets through the sides and you don't want exhaled or coughed droplets of mucus that has
been aerosolized to be inhaled by you or your family.
Get Tetracycline or Terramycin. If
you can't get it from your doctor; get it from your feed store. It is the same thing!
Medicine List
Human or Veterinary Antibiotics
(They are both the same)
Charles S. Brocato, M.Sc., D.D,
Author: Chemical/Biological WarFare
... How You Can Survive.
First casualties may well be the medicine
profession. Medicines are going to be scarce. Get the following medicines and have
them and others on hand for use if needed by your family. Present them to your
physician if need be--and get them back-- when he finishes using them on you. Learn
about how you can apply them yourself, when there is no doctor around.
Encourage your physician to store medicines now
that he most commonly uses, and then some he doesn't. Also, ask your dentist to
store amalgam and get some kind of generator such that he can drill for cavities.
People will still get sick and teeth will still need to be filled. If they
can't practice, they probably won't eat!
In my lectures across the nation, I have explained
to a number of medical personnel the above. They will be paid in food, when
the full rigor of all this hits. It won't take the people long to know what
doctor and which dentist still has supplies--and it will only be those who stored
medicines. They're the ones people will go to and pay in, first, cash; then,
as things worsen, barter--such as food; then gold and silver. Get prepared now--and
it's getting very late, for all reading these pages and who have not prepared.
If you are on prescription drugs, you'd better
store several months to a year now!
Many vital raw ingredients for
"life-or-death drugs" come from Third-World countries. The erosion process
has now begun.
"But 70% of the world's insulin is
produced in a computer-controlled manufacturing plant in the Netherlands.
"The world's diabetics are betting their lives
that those computers won't crash at the stoke of midnight on New Years Eve, 1999."
Supplies and raw components sent to
this country, America, from Third-World countries, will most definitely be impaired
drastically, if not totally. Many, if not most of our bank stocks are tied to
these countries, as well as our stock market. When the Third-World countries
go down en masse, so will your money and wealth too! Get prepared NOW
[See "Money" under Menu].
- Injectable Penicillin:
- Short-acting (crystalline)
- Intermediate-acting (Procaine Penicillin)
- Long-acting (Benzanthine)
- We recommend B-D manufactured syringes of 3 ml 25G
5/8. You should be able to get these at your pharmacist without a prescription.
Get a box content of 100, sterile, single use. Excellent for Vitamin B-12
injections also.
- Cyanocobalamin Injection, USP. 1000 mcg/ml; 30
ml injectable Vitamin B-12. When everything goes down and fresh meat, eggs, etc.
aren't readily available, we suggest you have some injectable B-12 available. Also
have a storage of vitamins and minerals. The minerals apart from what is contained
in with the vitamins.
- Ampicillin Tablets: (500 mg. tablets)
- Erythromycin : (alternative to Penicillin)
- Tetracycline/Terramycin
- The Sulfas:
- Co-Trimoxazole (sulfa-methoxazole with
Trimethaprim). Brand names: Septra and Bactrin. Get double strength forms, Septra DS
and Bactrin DS.
- Flagyl for amoebas and giardia. Get: Where
There is No Doctor; See below. Authors, David Werner et al, writes:
- "Amebic dysentery is best treated with metronidazole
(Flygyl) together with diloxanide furoate or tetracycline." They further write,
- "Metronidazole is useful for gut infections
caused by amebas and giardia, and sometimes for diarrhea that comes from taking
'wide-range' antibiotics (such as ampicillin). It is also useful for vaginal
infectionss caused by Trichomonas, or by certain bacteria. It can also help to treat the
symptoms of guinea worm." pp. 368 - 369."
- Get a prescription for 30 or more tables, 250 mg.
If your doctor does not understand what is about to happen, then write for the
following catalog: Doctors---Foster & Smith Field Training Products for
your pet selected by our veterinarians. 1-800-826-7206; or, order:
Antibiotics from Foster & Smith
Penicillin: |
#9F-2926 |
100 tab. (250mg
Penicillin) |
$8.99 |
Ampicillin: |
#9-F-2927 |
100 caps. (250mg
Ampicillin) |
$16.99 |
Tetracycline: |
#9F-2925 |
100 caps. (250mg
Tetracycline |
$8.99 |
Amoxicillin: |
#9F-1941 |
100 caps. (250mg
Amoxicillin) |
$17.99 |
(e., Keflex): |
#9F-1942 |
30 caps (250mg
Cephalexin |
$13.99 |
(e.g. Flagyl): |
#9F-8312 |
100 tabs. (250mg
Metronidazole) |
$11.99 | |
They write: "By Aquafish, manufactured for
use in fish tanks at one capsule/tablet for every 10 gallons of water." If this
disturbs you, see Ragnar Benson below.
- Nystatin & Gentian Violet for fungi.
- Mebendazole or Albendazole, and Piperazine for
- Neosporin Opthamlic Solution & antibiotic eye
ointments for eyes.
- Silver Nitrate Eye Drops, 1%. (for newborn babies'
- Lidocaine (Xylocaine) 2%, for sewing most wounds.
- Epinephrine for reactions to most drugs. (Get
some Lidocaine with and some without Epinephrine.)
- Tetanus Immune Globulin (human--less chance
for reaction), or Tetanus Antitoxin (horse--more chance for reaction), vial of 1500
units. The first two are for any cuts or puncture wounds. For immunization,
get "Super-Tet" Tetanus Toxoid.
- Silvadene (for burns; can stop a 2nd degree
from going into a 3rd in some cases).
- Huperazine A, for chemical warfare; start on now!
Also, good for memory and slowing down brain aging.
- Iodine crystals ($30 + s & h,
1-541-865-3370); better than Chlorine for water purification. Chlorine will
not kill viral infections in water; Iodine does.
- Evicol ($39.95 + $5 s & h,
1-800-845-1357), 2 drops per quart of water (water purification).
- Pain Killers. Physicians and
dentist should get Tylenol-4, or stronger. Lay persons too. Also,
aspirin, acetomenophen, and other NSAIDS (non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs).
- Hydrated lime, several 10 lb. sacks.
- Good for disinfection of latrines.
You'd better learn now how to dig a proper latrine and disposal of waste.
- Chemical WarFare Agents [Super Tropical Bleach
(STB): Chlorinated Lime (use chlorine bleach) and Calcium Oxide (hydrated lime) plus
- Combine 1- 2 cups hydrated lime with same amount of
chlorine, and liquid detergent in 1- 1/2 gallon garden sprayer; fill with water.
- Decontaminates against G- , and V-Agents, Mustard
agents, and Lewisite. Remove clothes 1st, if possible; spray and saturate thoroughly; wash
with plenty of hot, sudsy, water. Be sure and get all the hairy places! You have 1 minute.
Work fast.
- Biological Agents
- If exposed, saturate with the above solution;
wash with plenty of hot, sudsy water; start on antibiotics. You have from 12 hours
to 5 days, depending upon the agent.
Note: Penicillin and tetracyclines,
amoxycillin, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, and gentamycin are good for Anthrax. However, if
the organism has developed resistance, penicillin and tetracyclines may not be effective.
These are good for other agents also (see Merck Manual).
- Huperzine A (Hup A): Takes the place of
Physostigmine, a prescription drug for neural agents (chemical warfare). Hup A is
not a prescription drug. You can get Hup A at Health Food Heaven, 1-409-833-9961.
See our book, Chemical/Biological WarFare ... How You Can Survive.
Caution: Don't don't get the crude extract.
There is no safety data available on the whole herb extract and no clinical data to
support the efficacy for enhancing memory. "The actual crude extract as well as
the whole herb itself is not recommended, due to considerable toxicity." You
want the purified extract of the whole herb extract, which comes to 98% purification.
- Liquid Chlorine Bleach: Store some.
However, it is more economical---and you can literally store thousands of gallons
of bleach in the dry form---to make your own; use it for water purification, chemical and
biological decontamination; and sell it when this all goes down.
People just can not store enough liquid chlorine
bleach for what is coming. Also, it weakens over time. I have investigated
this matter and have found that swimming pool water purifications have the bleach
in dry form. But, beware, you don't want something that has all sorts of
other chemicals listed. It may not list them, but will say it has clarifiers,
anti-foamers, etc. in the dry bleach---stay away from this type.
One brand we recommend is Granular Dry Chlorinator
by PoolTime. You can get it at Home Depot for $44.00. It comes in 25 pound plastic
buckets and consists primarily of Calcium Hypochlorite. We like this brand because
Calcium Hypochlorite [Ca(OCl)2] is not hygroscopic (does not attract water); practically
clear in water solution; and, which is very important, a stable chlorine
carrier. A strong oxidizing material (read our book, Chemical/Biological
WarFare ... How You Can Survive for more information on oxidizing material for
chemical and biological agents.
Calcium Hypochlorite is an algicide; bactercide;
deoorant; potable water purification; disinfectant for swimming pools; fungicide; and a
strong bleaching agent
You can literally make 625 gallons of
super-chlorinating (shocking) bleach using just 1 ounce in 625 gallons of water!
Thus, to make just a gallon of strong bleach, use a very small amount. Add
the dry chlorine bleach to the water and you've just made bleach! Follow all the
instructions and precautions on the side panel for safety. You can use this for
storage, sell, or trade--you are gonna need it!
- We will discuss shortly a subject that is not
pleasant, and your doctor generally, if he knows about it, will not tell you
about.... With what is coming, as heinous as the crime is, criminal sexual assault,
rape, will abound. It is utterly reprehensible and evil, but this may happen to you
or someone you know.
Life Saving Advice
When food and fuel become extremely scarce, and if
you have food and fuel but did not learn how to defend yourself (see other documents,
"Survival," and "Refugees, Vagrants, & Hoboes" on this Web Site),
there will be those who have infrared heat seeking devices that will track to your home.
Many hunters have these where they can see in the dark because of the light and heat
gathering ability of these scopes.
If the scopes show heat, then they will accurately
assess you have not only the fuel, but food too! Oh .... these are
desperate men, they will be looking for not only fuel and food, but FEMALES too.
As destestable as this crime is (the victim(s) more
often than not feel as if they are about to be killed) with the physical injury, the
psychological pain is unimaginable---now, they have to cope with another worry. The
contraction of AIDS. We can help you with the latter, but not the former.
There are a number of O-T-C, over-the-counter
medications that can stop the aids virus if they are used quick enough. Also, if
some semblance of law and order is still about, you can save the wash solution to
incriminate the criminal in a court of law and receive justice. The substances we
recommend will not destroy the genetic material in the rapist's sperm cells and allow him
to be identified.
The substance you want to douche with immediately
after the rape that will kill the AIDS virus is Nonoxynol 9. It must be used as
soon as possible. It not only kills the AIDS virus, but other Sexually
Transmitted Diseases also. In fact, douche wash in recent studies have shown that
sperm cells can be isolated up to five (5) days when using Nonoxynol 9.
Nonoxynol 9 is the spermicidal agent found in many
birth control agents. It is found in Ortho-Creme Contraceptive foam; Semicid Vaginal
Contraceptive Inserts; Encare; Emko Because Contraceptive foam; Intercept Contraceptive
Inserts; and Gynol II Contraceptive Jelly. Get some, have it on hand, advise your
friends to, also.
Another thing you can use is vinegar that is
diluted with water in the ratio of 1 part vinegar to 10 parts water. Example:
3 ounces vinegar in 30 ounces water. But the Nonoxynol does do all we said
according to the research; the vinegar, it did not say, other than it will kill the AIDS
We highly recommend the following books:
To order Chemical/Biological WarFare ....
How You Can Survive, see homepage at this Website.
For application of medicines and more, see, Where
There Is No Doctor, a Village Health Care Handbook by David Werner. Read
the Green pages carefully.
Ragnar Benson; Do - It Yourself Medicine-- How
to Find and Use The Most Effective Antibiotics, Painkillers, Anesthetics, and Other
Miracle Drugs ... Without Costly Doctors' Prescriptions or Hospitals. Call (303)
443-7250, Paladin Press for book. He points that veterinary medicines are no
different from the same medicines you take, except the price.
For veterinary medicines, call 1- 800 - Jeffers;
ask for Cattle, Swine, etc. catalog. Or, visit you local Farm and Ranch
We strongly suggest you get a current edition of
The Merck Manual for consultation. Remember, it is not a matter of if,
but when this all goes down, you may not be able to see a physician, much less get
to a hospital, to say the least.
Albert Schweitzer, 1876 - 1965, Alsatian writer,
musician, missionary, and great humanitarian doctor in Africa, claimed only two books.
One, from which he got his medicine for the outbacks of Africa, The Merck Manual,
and the other, The Holy Bible.
Remember! You are not trying to play doctor,
just stay alive. What is coming is going to be unimaginable! Get prepared now.
We also suggest you update your
- Get DPT if you have not ever had this.
- Tetanus Booster.
- Cholera .... good for only 6 months.
- Typhoid .... good for 3 years (injectable); Oral--5
- Pneumovax ....one time/life time shot for pneumonia.
- Hepatitis A/B, if there is time. Takes a
number of months to complete.
- Smallpox .... if you can find it. Most
children have never had it; and most adults need a booster.
To help you prepare, we have
included order forms for our books, Charles S. Brocato, M.Sc., D.D.:
Chemical/Biological WarFare
... How You Can Survive
We have made this book as simple as it can get.
Your authors have researched this matter and much of what is out there is often
convoluted, confusing, and difficult to follow.
It is, much of the time, technical, and solutions
in the same material for the same agent differ in another section of the same book.
What is written here is as simple as it gets. Admittedly, it may be difficult at
first to grasp what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. That is why you need to
read and reread this book to be prepared. The most important thing about
decontamination is that which concerns YOU !
We have given common household chemicals that you
can use in the event of a chemical warfare attack, and much of the same everyday household
items can also be used in germ warfare decontamination.
This book tells you how you can make your own
passable protective chemical and biological warfare suit; also where to get protective
masks and the antibiotics you can secure without prescription. We also instruct the
readers where professional protective suits and chemicals (used by U.S Government
Military) for decontamination can be found, if so desired.
It is no longer a matter of if, but when America
will be attacked with chemical/biological weapons of mass destruction.
The authors even show you how to make your own
soap that will serve you well in everyday use as well as in decontaminating your person.
They go a step further and give you the recipe for a bath and beauty bar that can
double as a decontaminating soap.
We suggest you not lend this book out you won't
get it back; especially when you need it most. Have your friends buy a copy. They are
inexpensively priced, and the information is invaluable
The methods in this book are one the housewife,
the student, the businessman even a child can follow, and save his own life. You
should read this book and think, "I can do this!"
Every effort was made to insure the accuracy of
the information presented in this book. All instructions, processes and
recommendations are given without guarantee by the authors and Universal Laws Publishing
Co., who hereby disclaim any liability for accidents, injuries, losses or damages
resulting from the use of this book.
Self medication where a physician's care is
available is not advisable and can be dangerous. This book serves only as a guide to
those situations that are coming.
The authors and the publisher of this book do not
recommend or endorse self medication or the practice of medicine without a license.
The responsibility for any such activity is borne entirely by the reader. Seek
professional medical help if possible.
Author: Chemical/Biological
WarFare ... How You Can Survive Charles S. Brocato, M.Sc., D.D.
Books Available From Universal Laws Publishing Company
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- Updated expanded addition---over 400 pages.
- Now Shipping.
- Some of the topics include:
- How to lessen the severity of a microbial
- Why it may be best not to be a vegetarian
with the coming bacteriological (biological) warfare attack.
- Who may be most susceptible in germ warfare.
- What nutritional supplements may enhance your
chances of survival.
- ...and little known facts about vaccination and
antibiotics as they relate to chemical/biological warfare.
- Taking other medications may compromise your
recovery from an attack.
- What to do if your water supply is attacked. All
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