Frightening Cancer Myths"
- 'ELECTRIC BLANKETS GIVE YOU CANCER.' Know how this myth got canonized? Instead
of commissioning new research, a public health authority put the question to a VOTE. (NEWS FLASH: you can't change the laws
of nature by voting.) Yet even these geniuses freely admit that more than 500 existing studies show ZERO compelling evidence
of electric fields causing cancer. Rest easy and while you're at it, enjoy your heating pad again.
- 'HIGH FAT DIETS CAUSE BREAST CANCER.' Fat phobia may be the height of fashion,
but it's JUNK MEDICINE. Researchers studied 88,795 women over the course of 14 years, and what did they find? Not one sign
that high-fat diets promote breast cancer. And not one hint that low-fat diets protect you.
- 'DDT CAUSES CANCER.' Says WHO? Check the record. Back in the 1970s, the
Environmental Protection Agency examiner summed up 9,000 pages of research by flatly declaring, 'DDT
is not a carcinogenic hazard to man.' He also emphasized that it doesn't harm fish,
birds or other wildlife. Despite this open-and-shut case, his boss, EPA head William Ruckleshaus went ahead and
banned DDT. Aides later said he never read even one page of the studies. He had helped to hatch the DDT scare and couldn't
bring himself to admit he was wrong.
The worldwide witch-hunt against DDT hasn't saved one
peregrine falcon. But it has unquestionably murdered tens of millions of human children in tropical nations, who continue
to die from malaria, Dengue fever, yellow fever and other mosquito-borne plagues.
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