Computer newbies: HOW DO I COPY/MOVE DATA BETWEEN PCs? by cpmdave - 10/30/08 6:50 AM Total posts: 8 (Showing page 1 of 1)Back to Computer newbies forumTrack this thread

Post 1 of 8HOW DO I COPY/MOVE DATA BETWEEN PCs? by cpmdave - 10/30/08 6:50 AM

I have 3 computers: 2 desktops plus a laptop. All have WINDOWS XP. No Apples/Macs. They are not wireless or networked. How should I copy/move/transfer data/photos between them? Right now I use either flash sticks, CDs or DVDs. Is there a cord that I can connect them with that would do it? (They all have USB ports). Thank you for any advice.

 2 of 8. How Do They Connect To The Internet? by Grif Thomas - 10/30/08 7:36 AM In reply to: HOW DO I COPY/MOVE DATA BETWEEN PCs? by cpmdave If you don't have a router and they're not connecting to the internet, then you're already using the easiest method available.. On the other hand, maybe you want to purchases a router.. If you've already got a router where all three plug into the internet connection, setting up a network should work the best.. Simply create a new admin user on each of the computers with EXACTLY the same username and password.. Then log in with the new username on each of the computers and create a new "Workgroup" in the "My Computer/Properties/Computer Name" section.. Once that's done, then "Share" a folder on one, or all of the computers so you can copy and paste between machines.

Hope this helps.


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