Below Are Excerpts From The Seven-Year Swindell/Beyond
37' Forensic Analysis. The Samples Shown Here Represent A Small Portion
Of The Overall Study; One That Includes Full Head To Toe Body
Comparisons, Published Photos Of The Different Individuals The Study
Discovered To Have Shared The Same Irene Craigmile Bolam Identity, (One
Shown Here In The Lower Middle Column) And Even Handwriting And Voice
Comparisons Further Matching One Of The Irenes To Amelia. [A Large Photo
Panel From The Study Appeared As A Backdrop In A National Geographic
Channel Earhart Special.] In 1997 Beyond 37's Investigative Researcher-
Filmmaker Tod Swindell Began A Long Trail Of Consulting With Human
Identity Experts, Medical Professionals, And Document Examiners. Also
Referred To Were Academic Textbooks On The Subjects Of Human Body And
Character Trait Comparison Techniques. The Study Results Were First Made
Public In Colonel Rollin C. Reineck's 2004 Book,
Amelia Earhart Survived.
After Reading And/Or Hearing About It, Other Enthusiasts Such As Dave
Deal Duplicated The 'Overlay Method' With Amelia Photos To Yield The
Same Positive Results.
into classic Amelia photo.
Below: 1945
ZONTA (earliest Irene-Amelia) photo...
post-disappearance augmentations, see the former AE.
Below: Eyes
from 1945 Irene-Amelia...
Amelia's below.
Below: 1978
with classic Amelia photo.
The nose difference evidenced itself as a common 'deviated septum
rhinoplasty' procedure. So much slightly flattened it to widen the
passages. The upper nose bridge was thinned, and from straight on her
brow ridge became a bit more furrowed. Human identity forensic ID
qualifiers such as DNA, dental records, and fingerprints help solve
cases that involve 'missing-person'
body evidence. But the Irene-Amelia case was very unusual. The
enormous amount of forensic research data long pre-supporting the
Gervais claim, (to later include the Irene 'shared identity'
discovery) made it all but impossible, or irresponsible to simply
ignore the controversy. Many self-proclaimed 'Amelia Earhart research
authorities' tried their best to deride the Gervais equation, (and
still do) mostly because they found it hard to believe Amelia would
opt out of her public life.
News photo,
Irene-Amelia in Japan-1963...
into 1928 Amelia photo.
Below: 1965
Irene-Amelia in Florida...
back into Amelia.
Different Irene ID'd by her Son in 2006...
...the above
"different" yonger-older Irene Craigmile Bolam photos are shown
blended in between.
By now it is fair to calculate how the former Amelia Earhart had
been working with the family of the original Irene Craigmile, and how
she had confided in, and worked with some of her past friends to
include her own Sister Muriel Morrissey, in an effort to successfully
change her identity in pursuit of further avoiding the public eye. She
also apparently worked with the Catholic Church, the ZONTA
organization, certain masonic figureheads, and United States, Japan,
and England historical divisions in order to achieve the future
non-famous person status she desired. Again, all to secure her further
non-public person status.
After she gave birth to her Son in 1934 the original Irene no longer
appeared. Records of her past existence were obfuscated for any future
public referencing, and the short marriage she endured with her Son's
Father, Al Heller was legally annulled by 1940. Meanwhile Amelia
Earhart had turned up 'missing' in 1937. Notably, if the original
Irene Craigmile Heller died at some point (for instance as a result of
post-childbirth complications) there appeared to be no record of such
a thing having happened. However, apparently it was the case that the
original person known as Irene Craigmile in the 1930s who Amelia had
known, was a person who actually did disappear at some point after she
gave birth to her son in 1934, and she was never seen again. It is
certain the former Amelia Earhart, during the time adjacent to the
World War Two era, assumed the original Irene Craigmile's still extant
ID value for her own future use in order to live further in anonymity.
This, while she also continued with helping to raise of the original
Irene Craigmile's Son, and her own Canadian born daughter from 1924 no
one knew of who had also been taken in by the O'Crowley family after
Amelia suddenly became famous in 1928. Mr. Swindell's research states
it is the younger (mid-twenties) and older version (age fifty-eight in
1982) of Amelia's non-recognized birth daughter featured in the bottom
middle in the photo section on this page. He points to Lloyd Royer,
one of two men besides George Putnam to have proposed to Amelia, as
the likely Father. A highly controversial assessment to be sure, this
too remains to be disproved. The bottom line is, the true identity of
the woman featured on the cover of Irene Bolam's 1982 Memorial Dinner
program... has never been authoritatively revealed... either by still
living O'Crowley or Earhart family relatives, or by some other entity
whom does know who she really was, or still is.
NOTE: To contact Beyond 37' e-mail
The Beyond 37' film, book, and website projects are dedicated to the
late USAF Major Joseph A. Gervais (1924-2005) and the late USAF Col.
Rollin C. Reineck (1920-2007). Both were World War Two heroes who
learned the basic Irene-Amelia truth decades ago. Major Gervais, who
was considered by many to have been the most devoted Amelia Earhart
researcher ever having pursued the mystery since 1960, discovered the
Irene-Amelia reality in 1965. The controversial 1970 McGraw-Hill book
by Joe Klaas, Amelia Earhart Lives expounded on the enormous
amount of Joe Gervais' investigative research, and displayed the first
nationally published photo of Irene-Amelia. Myriad fallout the
Amelia Earhart Lives
book caused notwithstanding, and still lacking official authoritative
guidance, Colonel Reineck spent the last several years of his life
trying to advance the Gervais claim of Earhart's name-changed survival
to authenticity. Colonel Reineck's book Amelia Earhart Survived,
published in late 2003, was largely inspired by the Irene-Amelia
forensic studies of Beyond 37's Tod Swindell. Several portions of the
analysis appeared in the Reineck book, and more samples are better
displayed in this website. [Beyond 37' was formed in 2001 by the Tod
Evan Company in Los Angeles. It is run by Investigative
Researcher/Filmmaker Tod Swindell, who also serves as Chief Editor of
totals to date since being posted last year: 512,217 world-wide hits;
171,405 downloads. Canada, Germany, Great Britain, and Japan lead for
most foreign country views. The most viewed pages and/or links are:
'The History of Amelia Earhart Mystery Research' page, the 'Odd
Rumors' page, the 'Hilary Swank Amelia movie' page, the 'Amelia at the
Microphone' photo link shown on the home page, the 'Why The Fear'
page, the various 'Physical Comparison' pages, and the 'Forensic
Conclusion' page.